I’m Turning into My Mom

I’m turning into my mom, and that’s really not a bad thing. My mom is a strong, confident woman who always speaks her mind. When I was younger I was always amazed by this, and I wanted to grow up and be like her. While I am not as outspoken as she is, I’m definitely working on it. She speaks out with grace and passion, and isn’t afraid to show how she feels. My mom has always supported me in whatever I do, and I’ve grown up with a best friend who’s always been there for me.

There’s so much stigma about “turning into” our parents, but for me that has never been a bad thing. If I end up half as strong of a woman as my mom, I’ll be happy. I don’t know how she does everything that she does, while still being such a wonderful person and mom. She is so kind and selfless, it truly does amaze me. She treats all people the same, and will show the same kindness to a stranger as one of her closest friends.
I don’t think it’s a bad thing to turn into our mothers, or at least be influenced by them. They selflessly took care of us as children, and oftentimes still do so much for us when we’re adults. There’s no love like the kind mothers have for their children, it’s one of the most beautiful things in the world. They carry us for nine months, but end up carrying us through the rest of our lives, too. Once we’re old enough to go out on our own, they still support us from afar, and constantly worry about our well being.
There’s so many ways mothers say “I love you,” through asking if we’re eating enough, sleeping enough, how we’re doing, what our plans are for the future, and so much more. They care about you like no one else, and love you more than anything. My mom certainly cares for my brother and I in a way that I hope to have for my children one day, and I’m eternally grateful for her. She made me feel so loved growing up, and when I’m having a rough day the one voice I always want to hear is hers. I know I can call her up regarding anything; if I have happy news she’ll be the first one to congratulate me, and if I’m having a horrible day she’s also the first to console me.
As I’ve grown older I’ve noticed how similar my mom and I are, and I’m grateful for it. She taught me to be strong and speak out against the things I feel aren’t right. She always tries her hardest to succeed, and she fights for what she believes in. I’m thankful to call her mom, and I’m happy that I grew up with her influence. We’re still different, of course, because we are different people and she taught me to be my own person, but we’re similar in the best ways possible.
I love you Mom, and happy Mother’s Day 🙂 

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