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Category: Holiday

Sunday Thoughts: The Holiday Season and Giving Back

Blogmas Day Five!

Today I was watching Louise’s (from Sprinkle of Glitter) latest Vlogmas vlog, in which she talked about giving back, and how the holiday season is the perfect time. With my last couple of posts being about gift ideas for loved ones, her thoughts got me thinking about the importance of giving back as well. I’m not saying that it’s horrible to only give presents to those we love, if that’s all you can afford to do, then that’s perfectly okay! But if you happen to be fortunate enough to have the time or money to help out, then by all means go ahead. I actually went into a store today, and the fire department was standing outside doing a toy and canned food drive. My family usually donates a couple of cans of food, but this year I really want to do more and try to help a lot more people. With it being the holiday season, giving back is all the more important to help other people have the warm fuzzies associated with Christmas and other holidays. So many people aren’t fortunate enough to even have a warm place to be at night, let alone receive presents on Christmas morning. Don’t get me wrong, giving back is extremely important all year long, but this time of year really helps people realize that there are others who are in desperate need of help from people who can afford to lend a hand.
Being at college has also opened my eyes to the horrible realities some people face; homelessness, going without food for a couple of days, becoming unemployed, or worse. It’s easy to forget how some people live in the world when you aren’t surrounded by it everyday. Living is very, very hard in some parts of the world – sometimes it can only be called surviving. This time of year is the time for you to be grateful of what you have and not what you don’t have. What I mean is, don’t be grateful that your life isn’t like the lives of the less fortune, rather be happy with the things that you do have, and try and help others out when you can. I heard a wonderful talk about this, and how the speaker hated it when people were grateful for the wrong things – that they have a home that unlike homeless people, or that their health isn’t like that of the ill. Try and always be thankful for the things in your life as they are. Life becomes so much easier when you are able to be thankful for everything you have, and even for the little things in life. And on that same point, trying to help out in little ways, but often, can add up to a lot over time! An act of any kind of kindness goes a long way.
Giving back and helping out has always been something that I’ve been passionate about, so it’s something I could drone on and on about! I just think the world would be a much better place if more people tried to help out, even in the smallest of ways. I know that I could definitely try and help and give back more myself! This is just the perfect time of year to try and help out a little bit more than you usually would, because it helps spread holiday cheer 🙂 This time of year is definitely my favorite for that reason, and all of the warm fuzzy feelings of being with those you love, and being able to give them a gift that shows just how much you care for them. I hope all of you have a great holiday season this year!

What are some of the ways you give back?

Thank you so much for reading, and I hope you have a great day! 🙂

Halloween Costume Ideas

Now that I’m in college, Halloween has again become a big affair. I haven’t dressed up for Halloween in about six years, so now I am scrambling to figure out what to dress up as! I think it’s funny how we dress up as kids, stop when we’re teenagers (at least where I live) and then begin dressing up again once we’re young adults! I am definitely looking forward to it this year, because I love this time of year.
Anyway, I have been thinking of what to dress up as for a little while now, so I thought I would give you guys some ideas that I’ve gotten from the internet! (And I absolutely refuse to dress up as any character from Frozen)
Comic Book Character
How cool are these?! I can only imagine the time this actually takes, but the end result is definitely worth it!!
Greek Goddess

This is such a classic and timeless costume – although, I’m sure there will be a lot of Greek Goddesses at parties!
Group Costume: The Seven Dwarves
I think this is such a cute group costume! My group of friends and I are thinking of having a group themed costume, and this would be so perfect!
Any Character From Game of Thrones
Okay, I just had to include this because I’m a huge Game of Thrones fan! The dresses that the actresses get to wear are so pretty – it would be so much fun to dress up as them!
Fifty Shades of Grey Spoof
This is funny on so many different levels (ha ha) and would actually be a really cheap and easy costume to make!
Dobby From Harry Potter

This is also a really cute costume idea, and another one that would be easy and cheap!

Well, these are my ideas for now, but I’m sure I’ll have more soon! I’ll share with you guys what I finally decide on – I’m so excited for Halloween! I’m going home this weekend to go to the pumpkin patch with my family, so I soon get my roasted pumpkin seeds. I’m telling you guys, you need to try them!
What do you want to be for Halloween?

Thanks so much for reading, and I hope you have a wonderful day! 🙂

Disclaimer: none of these photos are mine!

Halloween Costume Ideas

Now that I’m in college, Halloween has again become a big affair. I haven’t dressed up for Halloween in about six years, so now I am scrambling to figure out what to dress up as! I think it’s funny how we dress up as kids, stop when we’re teenagers (at least where I live) and then begin dressing up again once we’re young adults! I am definitely looking forward to it this year, because I love this time of year.
Anyway, I have been thinking of what to dress up as for a little while now, so I thought I would give you guys some ideas that I’ve gotten from the internet! (And I absolutely refuse to dress up as any character from Frozen)
Comic Book Character
How cool are these?! I can only imagine the time this actually takes, but the end result is definitely worth it!!
Greek Goddess

This is such a classic and timeless costume – although, I’m sure there will be a lot of Greek Goddesses at parties!
Group Costume: The Seven Dwarves
I think this is such a cute group costume! My group of friends and I are thinking of having a group themed costume, and this would be so perfect!
Any Character From Game of Thrones
Okay, I just had to include this because I’m a huge Game of Thrones fan! The dresses that the actresses get to wear are so pretty – it would be so much fun to dress up as them!
Fifty Shades of Grey Spoof
This is funny on so many different levels (ha ha) and would actually be a really cheap and easy costume to make!
Dobby From Harry Potter

This is also a really cute costume idea, and another one that would be easy and cheap!

Well, these are my ideas for now, but I’m sure I’ll have more soon! I’ll share with you guys what I finally decide on – I’m so excited for Halloween! I’m going home this weekend to go to the pumpkin patch with my family, so I soon get my roasted pumpkin seeds. I’m telling you guys, you need to try them!
What do you want to be for Halloween?

Thanks so much for reading, and I hope you have a wonderful day! 🙂

Disclaimer: none of these photos are mine!

S’mores Dip!

Okay, I’m just going to start off by admitting that I have a slight addiction to anything related to s’mores, and, of course, s’mores themselves. They are just so delicious and remind me of great times with my family. So, when I saw the recipe for this s’mores dip, I couldn’t resist. 
The ingredient list is quite short, and the whole process is really simple. 
You will need:
1 cup of chocolate chips (some recipes said to use milk chocolate chips, and others said to use dark or semisweet, but it really is up to your preference. I used semisweet because that’s what we had)
2 tbs of milk
1 cup of mini marshmallows and 1/4 of a cup for sprinkling on top
Graham Crackers to dip into this delicious creation
Let’s get to the steps!
 Add the chocolate chips, (1 cup) marshmallows, and milk to a medium saucepan and heat on a medium setting, stirring continuously.  Stir until it looks nice and creamy like this:
Next, poor the mixture into a small casserole dish. It helps to have a rubber spatula to scrape all of the chocolate from the side of the pan. Top the chocolate off with the remaining 1/4 cup of marshmallows.
And, of course, you gotta lick the spoon!
Put it in the broiler for about a minute, or until the marshmallows are golden brown.
Okay, how pretty is this?!
Now crack open your graham crackers and go to town with the dip!

I really can’t explain how yummy this is. I knew I would really enjoy it, because I love everything s’mores, and my family loved it as well. With all of the holiday parties and Christmas Day celebrations, this is the perfect dessert! Everyone can just pop a graham cracker coated with this dip into their mouths, and they will be coming back over and over, trust me. I will definitely be making this on Christmas day since we’re having Christmas at my family’s house this year. But really, it’s perfect for anything or anytime of the year!
Let me know if you guys have made this, or if you have had it before!
Have a great rest of your day, and thanks for reading! 🙂

S’mores Dip!

Okay, I’m just going to start off by admitting that I have a slight addiction to anything related to s’mores, and, of course, s’mores themselves. They are just so delicious and remind me of great times with my family. So, when I saw the recipe for this s’mores dip, I couldn’t resist. 
The ingredient list is quite short, and the whole process is really simple. 
You will need:
1 cup of chocolate chips (some recipes said to use milk chocolate chips, and others said to use dark or semisweet, but it really is up to your preference. I used semisweet because that’s what we had)
2 tbs of milk
1 cup of mini marshmallows and 1/4 of a cup for sprinkling on top
Graham Crackers to dip into this delicious creation
Let’s get to the steps!
 Add the chocolate chips, (1 cup) marshmallows, and milk to a medium saucepan and heat on a medium setting, stirring continuously.  Stir until it looks nice and creamy like this:
Next, poor the mixture into a small casserole dish. It helps to have a rubber spatula to scrape all of the chocolate from the side of the pan. Top the chocolate off with the remaining 1/4 cup of marshmallows.
And, of course, you gotta lick the spoon!
Put it in the broiler for about a minute, or until the marshmallows are golden brown.
Okay, how pretty is this?!
Now crack open your graham crackers and go to town with the dip!

I really can’t explain how yummy this is. I knew I would really enjoy it, because I love everything s’mores, and my family loved it as well. With all of the holiday parties and Christmas Day celebrations, this is the perfect dessert! Everyone can just pop a graham cracker coated with this dip into their mouths, and they will be coming back over and over, trust me. I will definitely be making this on Christmas day since we’re having Christmas at my family’s house this year. But really, it’s perfect for anything or anytime of the year!
Let me know if you guys have made this, or if you have had it before!
Have a great rest of your day, and thanks for reading! 🙂

S’mores Dip!

Okay, I’m just going to start off by admitting that I have a slight addiction to anything related to s’mores, and, of course, s’mores themselves. They are just so delicious and remind me of great times with my family. So, when I saw the recipe for this s’mores dip, I couldn’t resist. 
The ingredient list is quite short, and the whole process is really simple. 
You will need:
1 cup of chocolate chips (some recipes said to use milk chocolate chips, and others said to use dark or semisweet, but it really is up to your preference. I used semisweet because that’s what we had)
2 tbs of milk
1 cup of mini marshmallows and 1/4 of a cup for sprinkling on top
Graham Crackers to dip into this delicious creation
Let’s get to the steps!
 Add the chocolate chips, (1 cup) marshmallows, and milk to a medium saucepan and heat on a medium setting, stirring continuously.  Stir until it looks nice and creamy like this:
Next, poor the mixture into a small casserole dish. It helps to have a rubber spatula to scrape all of the chocolate from the side of the pan. Top the chocolate off with the remaining 1/4 cup of marshmallows.
And, of course, you gotta lick the spoon!
Put it in the broiler for about a minute, or until the marshmallows are golden brown.
Okay, how pretty is this?!
Now crack open your graham crackers and go to town with the dip!

I really can’t explain how yummy this is. I knew I would really enjoy it, because I love everything s’mores, and my family loved it as well. With all of the holiday parties and Christmas Day celebrations, this is the perfect dessert! Everyone can just pop a graham cracker coated with this dip into their mouths, and they will be coming back over and over, trust me. I will definitely be making this on Christmas day since we’re having Christmas at my family’s house this year. But really, it’s perfect for anything or anytime of the year!
Let me know if you guys have made this, or if you have had it before!
Have a great rest of your day, and thanks for reading! 🙂

DIY Mason Jar Snow Globes

Hey guys!
So it has been a long time since I posted. I have, as always, been super busy! Finals are coming up, as I’m sure everyone is very aware of, and I have had a huge paper to write for one of my classes. Swim started back in November as well, so as soon as I get home and done with homework, I’m just about passed out. But I have a lot of posts that I am getting ready because I have had a lot of ideas lately! Probably because it’s my absolute favorite time of the year! 🙂 I love Christmas and this time of year because everything is so cozy, and you get to spend a lot of time with friends and family.
Anyway! Let’s get onto the globes!
 I saw a picture of these on tumblr I think it was, and they looked really easy to make! So I looked them up, went to the craft store and got supplies. 
For this project you will need a Mason jar of any size, little fake trees, glitter (I got tinsel glitter – I would stick to the smaller glitter, as I first tried big flakes of glitter and that didn’t turn out so well), and super glue. 
Alright, now for the steps.
1. Un-screw the lid of the mason jar, and separate the lid from the round metal piece:

2. Place however many trees you want (and that will fit) on the white part of the lid. Make sure the bases of the trees don’t cover the orange part. Then glue them down! I let the glue dry over night to ensure it dried well enough, and that the trees would be secure.

3. Fill the mason jar up with water and place the lid on the jar. At this point, do not put the glitter in. The trees turn the water a hazy blue color, so allow them to sit in the water and get the extra coloring off. I did this for a couple of days, but after a day, no more color comes off, so you could change the water then.
This is one that I had let sit overnight.
4. Once all the blue coloring is off of the trees, pour out the hazy water and rinse off them off to ensure no more blue comes off. Put in as much glitter as you want, but don’t go super crazy! I found that you need less glitter than you think. Fill the mason jar with water, leaving room for the water displacement of the trees, and put on the lid and screw on the metal part. I put super glue around the orange part on the lid to make sure it had a tight, waterproof seal. And instead of flipping it over right away, I allowed it to sit upright to let the glue dry.
Here’s a picture with the “snow” shook up.
I think these snow globes are so cute, and I really love mason jars. I think I’m going to tie little pieces of twine around the base to add a little something extra. These little guys are great for decorations around the house, or for a Christmas gift! And they’re a lot of fun to make!
Let me know if you guys make these, or have made them before! What other DIY projects do you like doing for the holidays? Or, what is your favorite part of this time of year?
Thanks for reading, and have a great rest of your day! (:

DIY Mason Jar Snow Globes

Hey guys!
So it has been a long time since I posted. I have, as always, been super busy! Finals are coming up, as I’m sure everyone is very aware of, and I have had a huge paper to write for one of my classes. Swim started back in November as well, so as soon as I get home and done with homework, I’m just about passed out. But I have a lot of posts that I am getting ready because I have had a lot of ideas lately! Probably because it’s my absolute favorite time of the year! 🙂 I love Christmas and this time of year because everything is so cozy, and you get to spend a lot of time with friends and family.
Anyway! Let’s get onto the globes!
 I saw a picture of these on tumblr I think it was, and they looked really easy to make! So I looked them up, went to the craft store and got supplies. 
For this project you will need a Mason jar of any size, little fake trees, glitter (I got tinsel glitter – I would stick to the smaller glitter, as I first tried big flakes of glitter and that didn’t turn out so well), and super glue. 
Alright, now for the steps.
1. Un-screw the lid of the mason jar, and separate the lid from the round metal piece:

2. Place however many trees you want (and that will fit) on the white part of the lid. Make sure the bases of the trees don’t cover the orange part. Then glue them down! I let the glue dry over night to ensure it dried well enough, and that the trees would be secure.

3. Fill the mason jar up with water and place the lid on the jar. At this point, do not put the glitter in. The trees turn the water a hazy blue color, so allow them to sit in the water and get the extra coloring off. I did this for a couple of days, but after a day, no more color comes off, so you could change the water then.
This is one that I had let sit overnight.
4. Once all the blue coloring is off of the trees, pour out the hazy water and rinse off them off to ensure no more blue comes off. Put in as much glitter as you want, but don’t go super crazy! I found that you need less glitter than you think. Fill the mason jar with water, leaving room for the water displacement of the trees, and put on the lid and screw on the metal part. I put super glue around the orange part on the lid to make sure it had a tight, waterproof seal. And instead of flipping it over right away, I allowed it to sit upright to let the glue dry.
Here’s a picture with the “snow” shook up.
I think these snow globes are so cute, and I really love mason jars. I think I’m going to tie little pieces of twine around the base to add a little something extra. These little guys are great for decorations around the house, or for a Christmas gift! And they’re a lot of fun to make!
Let me know if you guys make these, or have made them before! What other DIY projects do you like doing for the holidays? Or, what is your favorite part of this time of year?
Thanks for reading, and have a great rest of your day! (: