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How to Make a Simple DIY Flower Wall

Beautiful flower walls seem to be all over Pinterest. Since I had an empty wall in my apartment, I decided it would be the perfect way to decorate! A lot of the walls look really intricate (and expensive!), so I wanted to do a more simple and cheaper version.

This project didn’t require a lot of supplies, and you probably have a lot hanging around your house anyway! I also made a video of the whole process so you can follow along that way, if that’s easier for you.

Here’s what you’ll need:

  1. Wooden dowel
  2. Small rope
  3. Sand paper
  4. Hook
  5. Invisible fishing wire (or beading wire!)
  6. Hot glue gun
  7. Fake flowers

Start with sanding the end of the wooden dowel

My dowel had blue dye at both ends so I had to sand that off. It also makes it look more finished!

You definitely don’t have to sand the ends of the dowel if they aren’t dyed, but I liked how it smoothed out the ends and made it look more polished. I got my wooden dowel from Home Depot and the dowel itself didn’t need to be sanded, just the ends.

Tie a large piece of rope to each end of the dowl

We’ll be hanging the flower wall (tapestry?) with this rope so make sure it’s nice and tight. You could enforce the knots with a little bit of hot glue if needed, but mine felt pretty sturdy and have held up for a year now.

Tie five pieces of invisible string to the dowel

Try to space the invisible string out as evenly as possible – this is how we’ll be securing the flowers so you want to make sure they look even. Tying the string was a little tricky since mine was stretchy, so you might have to double or triple knot it.

Space out your flowers and tie them to the string

Tying the flowers on was a little difficult with the string since it’s slightly stretchy, so I made sure to do a couple of knots to make sure it was secure. I also found that it was easier to leave longer “tails” so I could trim them after I was done with the knots.

Hot glue the knots

I wasn’t confident with the knots, so I also hot glued them to make sure they didn’t unravel. You can skip the knot part if you wanted, but the knots made the flowers more moveable.

Add in leaves and other details

I didn’t want to only do flowers for the flower wall, so I also added in leaves and faux ferns. This added a lot of interest to the flower wall and also made it look more realistic. I didn’t want it to just be orange and yellow flowers hanging off of the walls, so I’m really glad I added the leaves in!

These warm colors work well in any season, and I haven’t had to change up my decor to match
I tried to get greenery that would look real and not cheap
I really love how simply this flower wall hangs, and it’s held up really well!

Let me know on Instagram if you end up making this flower wall! It’s an easy way to brighten up your home, and it’s also simple and cheap to make. I hope you like how it turned out!