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How to Makeover Your Living Room on a Budget

While staring at my walls day after day, I decided it was time for a living room makeover. Our space was feeling boring to me, so it was time for a change. Pinterest has so many great ideas for simple canvas art, and since I have nothing but time, I thought I’d make some new pieces!

Make sure to watch my video below to see how I made the canvases more in depth!

I didn’t want this living room makeover to be expensive, so I mostly used supplies I already had. I had to order some, so I found some deals online (there are a ton right now!) and didn’t spend too much.

It was so relaxing to sit and focus on something other than a screen – my eyes loved the change! Alex was also gracious enough to help me change the decor out, and it helped to have a second eye.

Here’s how I did my living room makeover.

Make your own art

The easiest way to keep your living room makeover cheap is to make your own art. I had been seeing so many simple pieces all over Pinterest and it’s what inspired me in the first place.

If you aren’t great at art, or don’t enjoy it, these simple pieces are great. They don’t take a lot of effort to look good, they’re easy to customize, and you don’t have to focus too much while painting. I also threw in some resin boards to help tie all the pieces together.

Craft stores usually have canvas sales, and I just used some basic craft acrylic paint so each canvas ended up costing me less than $2. Right now is the perfect time to make some art of your own!

You can also make your own flower wall, or do some canvas embroidery!

Change out your pillows

Pillows are such a simple thing to change out, and it makes such a huge difference. I was surprised with how cheap pillows are right now so definitely search around and you’ll find them! These fit in perfectly with my paints and pulled the warm tones down to the couch, too.

I was worried about the tassels at first with our dog Luna, but so far we’ve been safe! I couldn’t resist this velvet pink tasseled pillow.

If you don’t want to get new pillows, you can also just get some pillow covers, or make them if you want!

Move around your decor

To keep the cost down, I just moved around some decor rather than buying more. You can also use large books on your coffee table for a really effortless look! My illustrated Harry Potter copies don’t get enough love, so I gave them a new life on our coffee table.

Try switching living room decor with bedroom decor to freshen everything up, or put some decor away for a more simple look!

Let me know if you end up using any of these tips! I’d love to see how you’re changing up your space during this extra time at home.

Thanks for reading!