Dear Senior Year,
How do I even start this letter off? I went through so much this past school year, and you really taught me a lot, Senior Year. I finished up my degree in International studies with minors in English and European Studies and it felt like the busiest year yet. Not only was I finishing my classes, but I also had to figure out where to live after graduating and find a job when my status of “student” would no longer be accurate.
Senior Year, I hated you and loved you all at once. I hated that you were difficult and demanding and put me through so much, but I also love you for it because I grew so much as a person. I loved that you reaffirmed my belief that it would all be okay in the end if I tried my hardest and kept my eyes set on my goals, and that you provided the time for me to travel a little bit and see the people I love the most.
It’s insane how different you were from my senior year of high school. I thought I would feel similar to how I did four years ago – excited to be done with school and ready to start my new adventure. There were many nights full of tears, however. Tears about all the unknowns in my life, and tears for all of the comforts of being a student I would be leaving behind. I didn’t realize how much I love school and learning, or how upset I’d be leaving it behind (for now). It’s scary leaping out into a world that’s so unfamiliar. The “real world” some call it, but I kind of hate it when people say that.
Nothing about college hasn’t been “real” and I feel that name discredits all the hard work students put into their studies, jobs, clubs, or anything else they do. All of those things count in the post-school world, but people seem to think that it’s all child’s play or that it isn’t really hard work. It is, and students have to balance a lot. That’s not to say you don’t have to balance a lot when it comes time to starting your career, but Senior Year, you taught me to value my experience of being a student and all that comes with it.
Life post-college will be about growth and figuring out further who I am. It’s filled with a lot of uncertainty but also a lot of excitement now that I’ve gone through graduation, and that I’ve mourned the loss of you, Senior Year. You came and went much too quickly, and it left me with whiplash. I frantically tried to enjoy the year while balancing everything else in my life, and was desperate to feel like I didn’t miss out on anything. Through all of that, you showed me who my real friends are, and aren’t. It stung, but I realized that not all relationships are healthy or worth the time and effort I could be spending on the ones that are healthy and fulfilling. This made me happier in the end, and I’ve learned even more about myself.
College started with me moving to a place where I knew no one, and it’s ending with me having found a community I love. People were brought into my life that I had no idea about before, and now they’ve become the largest parts in it, and I couldn’t be more grateful to have them. Senior Year, I’ll never forget all the trials, lessons, or rewards you brought into my life. I hope that the future is filled with even more, and I know I’m even better prepared for it because of you.
I realized the other day that I’ve now had my Mirena IUD for over a year – I don’t remember the exact date I got it, just that it was sometime in January of 2017. A lot of my friends and coworkers have an IUD or are thinking about getting one, and I thought I would talk about it on my blog since I’ve mentioned that I have endometriosis in previous posts.
Let’s start out in the beginning: when I first found out that I had endometriosis I was 14 or 15 (how has it been that long?!), and my family and I had absolutely no idea what that diagnosis meant. The months following my diagnosis were filled with countless doctor visits, ultra sounds, and even surgery, and finally a treatment plan. I was on birth control pills for about five years before my new gynecologist mentioned I should get an IUD, or at least read more about them.
From my understanding, IUD’s were only for women who had already had children, especially since my own mother had gotten one just a couple of years prior. After reading up on them, I realized many women my age – I was 20 at the time – were getting them and foregoing other birth control methods. I was interested, but after years of being poked and prodded, the last thing I wanted was to have a painful IUD insertion. Honestly, I’ve been in and out of the hospital so many times as a kid, so I’m generally a trooper, but if you have endometriosis, you understand that you can be in so much pain already so the thought of adding even more can be daunting.
The whole reason my doctor wanted me to switch to an IUD was because I get blind migraines, or aura migraines as they’re sometimes called. It basically means when I get migraines, all it looks like I can see is the classic “ant screen” on old TV’s – all gray and fuzzy. The first time I got one I was terrified I was going blind, but now I can recognize the warning signs and I’m able to get myself somewhere, hopefully my bed, and just sleep off the aura part.
Apparently this puts me at higher risk for strokes when on birth control pills, so my doctor really wanted me to switch to a different birth control method, like an IUD, to reduce that risk. Of course I wanted to be safe, so after a couple of months of thinking, I decided to give the IUD a shot.
I’m not going to lie, the insertion process was one of the worst experiences of my life. I was a baby and had to have my mom in the room with me to hold my hand, and asked the doctor for anti-anxiety medicine to help me calm down. My doctor was really sweet and talked me through the whole process, and continuously checked to make sure I was okay.
Honestly, the pain afterwards once the numbing gel wore off was the worst. I unfortunately cannot take ibuprofen because of a severe allergy, so tylenol was all I could have and it definitely wasn’t strong enough. I had extreme cramps for several days afterwards, and I’m wondering if it’s because I have endometriosis that I had such a terrible experience the entire week after I got the IUD put in. My friends who have IUD’s say that they only really had pain a day or two afterwards, but for me, I had cramping much longer than that.
My parents were absolute saints and made a ton of food for me to have for leftovers at my apartment, so the “healing” process was a little bit better. Like I said earlier, it took about a week to start to feel normal again, and for about 8 months I didn’t have a regular period cycle, just spotting every now and then.
In September, right in the middle of my vacation to Disneyland, actually, I got a full blown period. It came out of nowhere, and the cramps were awful. It lasted for about two weeks, and in October and November I had a two week period for each month, again with terrible cramps. In December and earlier this month, I had more of a “regular” period that lasted about 10 days, but still with terrible cramps. My doctor said this was all normal and probably just my body getting back on a regular cycle again. I honestly don’t mind the periods since I didn’t have one for about five years while on birth control pills. I guess we’ll see how February goes!
As far as how my IUD has affected my endometriosis, it’s helped a lot. I haven’t gotten any cysts that didn’t resolve themselves, they’ve all gone away with time. While I have had horrible cramps again (I had forgotten how bad mine are!), I’m used to it and my cycle seems to be getting more regular. It’s nice to not have to remember to take a pill at the same time everyday, something that I was terrible at before.
I am a bit of a paranoid person, so I went into my doctor’s office to get my IUD checked out when I started getting my period again. They did an ultrasound to make sure it was in place, and they found no problems with it. I check the strings every month, something I was initially scared to do, (I don’t know why) and it’s nice to have that reassurance that it’s still in place.
My IUD has been great in regulating my endometriosis, and I’m glad to have found a method that doesn’t put me at a higher risk for stroke, as many people I’m sure would be! If you have endometriosis, or just want a different birth control method, I highly recommend getting an IUD. While it sucks at first, and is really painful to get, the benefits far outweigh that part. I definitely do have a love hate relationship with it since I get pretty bad cramps again, but that also just comes with having endometriosis and is something I’m used to.
College can be a strange time in your life – it feels like you’re still a kid, but you’re also expected to take on adult responsibilities, while at the same time not treated like a full-fledged adult. Tricky, right?
It’s overwhelming to choose a major that will possibly affect your entire life, so it’s probably in your best interest to focus on yourself. Be selfish and do exactly what makes you happy; take solo travel trips, eat what you want, do yoga – spend your time how you want to. Whatever you feel is going to help you figure out your life and what you want is what’s best. It won’t be the same for every person, so don’t focus on what everyone else is doing.
Take classes that interest you in college, even if people say it won’t help you in the future. It’s also completely fine to take classes outside of your major if you’ve already decided on one. Maybe they won’t be applicable to your future career, but you’ll be learning something new about a topic that interests you, and that’s still helpful to your life. It’s just as important to foster our curiosity and spark creativity outside of what you’re used to. Some of my favorite classes have been outside of my majors and minors in college.
The truth is, none of us know completely what we’re doing. Even the most seemingly put together people can have no idea what they’re going to do in the future. That’s okay. Focus on what you’re doing now, and keep your options open for the future. Life is more fun when you aren’t following a concrete plan of what you want to do, and oftentimes those plans don’t pan out exactly how you would like them to.
Do what you want in college, and focus on what makes you happy. Be selfish and say no to people if you don’t want to do something, or say yes even if it terrifies you. Be adventurous, or don’t – it’s all up to you, and you don’t have to justify yourself to anyone.
While I was sitting down staring at my 2018 goals in my bullet journal, I noticed so many of my hopes for the year are related to mental health. I thought I would do a blog post about why it’s important to focus on your mental health in the new year, and why I’m glad I started focussing on it in the last couple years. Make sure to read my last post, Simple Ways to Stay Grateful in 2018, because staying grateful and thinking of everything that makes you happy helps with mental health, too!
Staying on top of your mental health means something different for every single person, and it’s something that’s always a work in progress, so don’t get discouraged if you’re going through a rough patch. It’s just important to do what’s best for you, and there’s absolutely no shame in reaching out if you need help. In fact, it takes a lot of courage to do so.
When I was reflecting back on 2017, I wished I had somehow kept track of everything I was grateful of throughout the year, and everything that made me happy. Looking on Pinterest, I saw so many different people who had done this and all the posts they did when looking back at those memories, so I decided to do just that in 2018.
Over the summer, I did a small version of this, and it was great to think about all the positive things that happened, but I didn’t set one up for the fall because I was so busy, and I stopped intentionally thinking about the positive everyday. Since one of my goals for 2018 is to stay more positive, I am making it a point to reflect on things that make me happy, and all that I am grateful for. These past few months have been filled with too much negative both in my personal life and in the world around me, so I’m going to take my attitude into my own hands, and focus on the good. I realize this won’t ‘fix’ my bad days, but hopefully it’ll make them easier to handle.
Happy 2018! I cannot believe 2017 is over – I think it’s the fastest year that’s gone by for me. It’s crazy that this is the year that I’m graduating from college.
Along with a new year came getting organized for it, which included cleaning my room (a work in progress) and setting up my bullet journal. I’ll have a video and post up about that setup soon, but first I wanted to have a reflection/review post of using the bullet journal system fro six months. First off, it’s crazy to think I’ve been using it for six months!
As I mentioned in my last post, I’ve been heavily relying on my bullet journal to stay organized and it’s definitely been a life saver for school. Finals week for fall quarter of 2017 was probably the most organized one I’ve had because I had my bullet journal to stay on track with studying and due dates.
I’ve decided to break up the review into different categories so it’s easier to understand what it’s all about, and see all my thoughts about it!
This is definitely the most important part – to me – of a bullet journal, or any planner for that matter. Before I started bullet journaling I was using regular planners that I bought from Target or Nordstrom to stay organized, and they worked just fine. I wanted the ability to personalize it more, though, and be creative while staying organized.
I have found the bullet journal system to be very efficient. The “guidelines” are just that: advice on how to stay organized instead of strict rules that make you adhere to the system fully. You can change up the symbols, not use all of them, or stick to the pre-made ones. I more or less stuck to the set symbols of the bullet journal system (read more about those here) and I found them to fit into my planner pretty seamlessly, and they were easy to get used to.
As for the monthly and weekly spreads, you have a lot of freedom to be as detailed as you want. If you want extensive layouts for the week, or different trackers and various pages for the month, you can definitely do that, but if you want to stay more simple that’s perfectly fine. I found myself switching between detailed and simple a lot depending on how much time I had to make the spread, and how much space I thought I would need for busier or calmer weeks. During school I have more detailed spreads, but over the summer when it was just work I could do some more simple spreads. Over winter break I didn’t bother to have weekly spreads because I was pretty much just working out, sleeping, or watching Harry Potter.
I love the freedom the BuJo’s give you for organizing your life, and it makes them very functional. The fact that it also serves as a journal, cost/health/habit tracker, random idea journal, and whatever else you want it to be, really makes it special and convenient.
There’s a lot of structure to pre-made planners, but with bullet journals you can organize your weeks however you want, and like I said earlier, use it for things like journal entries or lists. I’ve done this with packing lists before and it’s nice to have it cataloged for future use, and it’s also nice to have a quick written reflection on months.
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This was all watercolor, and the pages held up really well! |
The pages are also thick enough that I haven’t had any pens bleed through, only a couple of my water-based lettering pens when I go over a spot too many times with the color. They also work nicely with watercolor, which I use occasionally for monthly cover pages. The dots on the pages are pretty standard, and I don’t know if there’s much variation between journals that different companies make.
There’s also nice folders in the back to put loose paper in the journal, and a couple bookmarks attached so you can keep your place, or mark an important page.
Overall, I’m really satisfied with how this journal has lasted for the last six months!
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Another watercolor heavy page that held up just fine! |
When I started this school year, I had high ambitions of surviving my busy schedule. I’ve been working two part time jobs, averaging about 35 hours per week, plus a full class schedule of 15 hours, and have been trying to keep up with all my homework. I thought this schedule would be fine, and I have survived it, but I didn’t thrive as much as I could’ve.
Mad props to all the hustlers out there, because that shit is exhausting.
I haven’t gotten nearly enough sleep this quarter, I haven’t been able to workout everyday like I have for the last two years, and I’m lucky if I remember to eat lunch. Having this crazy busy schedule has taught me a lot of discipline, and although I tried to make time to stay creative and have an outlet, it was hard to justify sitting around reading for pleasure when I had probably one hundred pages of reading due for a class the next day.
That guilt pushed me to try and finish all that I could and sacrifice a lot of sleep to do so. Sure, I left papers to finish right before the deadline, but in total I feel pretty proud that I kept on top of my school work even better than quarters where I had a lot more free time. My bullet journal saved me, as well as leaving sticky notes e v e r y w h e r e to make sure I didn’t forget anything.
Along with my busy quarter came more stress than I’ve dealt with probably ever. I had crap with my family, dealt with the craziest situation of someone copying my apartment key, and much, much more. I didn’t give myself a chance to sit down and think through all of that stress and just feel because if I did, I’m afraid I never would’ve gotten up.
I struggled through this quarter, and I’m not ashamed to say it, because I came out in the end. I just turned in my final paper for the quarter, and have finished all my tests, but I still have a couple days of work left. The light at the end of the tunnel is brighter, though.
I don’t want this to sound like I’m complaining about how hard my life is because there are people out there with much, much harder lives. The point of this post is to reflect on this time in my life, and to somehow start to work through the emotion that I’ve put in a neat little box in the back of my head. My mental health has struggled this quarter, and I feel like a slightly faded version of who I was six months ago, but that’s okay.
We all struggle at some point in our lives, and I don’t want to hide from that. I know I should go and talk to someone about my mental health, and I’m hoping that’s something I have the courage to do next quarter.
I’ve retreated into myself to get through autumn quarter, but I’m also grateful for the people in my life who have stuck with me through this time. My boyfriend was my lifeline and the person who talked me through various panic attacks and times of just absolute blinding stress.
I let myself fall behind on my blog and my YouTube channel, something I absolutely hated doing, because it’s such a huge source of creativity and happiness in my life. With that I took more of a break from social media, which in retrospect has probably been good for me.
I’m not sure how exactly I got through this quarter, but the truth is my blood is probably 75% coffee right now, and I think the desire to just cuddle with my dogs over winter break is one of the main things keeping me going at this point.
Next quarter I’m cutting down on my commitments and will hopefully have more time to do the things I love, like post on my blog and make videos.
For now, here’s a photo of my little Christmas tree 🙂
Mental health is a hot topic among college students – mainly because so many struggle with keeping up with it. College is a super exciting time, but it’s easy to get overwhelmed when it starts to get busy. In order to avoid all of that, here are…
Succeeding in college isn’t only about getting good grades, studying for tests, and doing homework; it’s also important to make sure you’re staying creative and living holistically. It’s easy to get stuck in the rut of studying for classes and getting stressed out, and not having a creative outlet to destress. Personally, I think it’s really important to remain creative throughout college to give yourself a break from all of the busyness, but when you make it a priority it gets easier.
I honestly feel like college has been the fastest part of my life; it truly feels like I was just getting ready for my freshman year. Time really does fly by when you’re busy and having fun! There’s been so much that I’ve learned throughout my time in college, and it’s crazy that I only have one year left. I really want to make it a great year, since it’s probably going to be my last year in school for a little while (WHAT?!). I’ve been thinking about going to law school for the last year or so, but I want to take at least year off in order to work and save up. It’ll also be nice to take a break!
To make sure I have a good year, though, I’ve set some goals for myself so I can stay on track and (hopefully) remain motivated for the year. I want to finish college on a strong note and, of course, get good grades to get into law school! Here they are:
I’m going to be very busy this year because I’ll have two part time jobs, a full schedule of classes, and my blog and YouTube channel to keep up on. Keeping on top of my school work is going to be key for my success, and to help with that, I plan on utilizing my bullet journal a lot. I’ll be sharing my school spreads with you guys so you can see how I stay organized and motivated with it! I’m a little worried about how busy I’ll be, and I hope I’ll be able to balance all of it. Last year was crazy enough with one part time job, and this year I have my senior project, so we’ll see how it goes!
This is obvious, because of course everyone wants to get good grades, but I want it to be one of my main focuses for this year. Like I said, I want to end college on a strong note, so my grades are a huge part of that. My senior project will take place during winter quarter, and I want to make sure I get a good grade in the class that it takes place in, because it’ll be something that I can put on my resume!
Because I’m not busy enough (ha ha), I want to get even more involved in the clubs I’m in. I joined a pre-law professional frat last year, so I really want meet people in there and take on some leadership roles! I also really want to have a leadership role in my senior project (it’s a group project), so I can put that on my resume! I had never really had a leadership role until last year, when I was on the leadership team for a volunteer club, and I actually really liked having the responsibility! I’m also just super excited for the project, so I want to be as involved as possible.
I quickly learned in college how important self-care is that. I’m an anxious person, and when I don’t get enough sleep, ignore my body when it’s telling myself to slow down, and not give myself a mental break every now and then, it doesn’t bode well. I end up getting a lot of panic attacks, and feeling super overwhelmed, so I want to focus on not doing that this year, especially since I’ll be so busy. It’ll be easy to fall into the trap of not taking care of myself, so I’m going to make it a priority early on. A huge part of that is getting enough sleep, working out, and eating right, so those are all things I’ll be focusing on!
I’ve really been trying to do that this summer, and my passion for both of them have been renewed. It wasn’t that I was getting bored with them or anything, I just got so busy and both definitely got put on the back burner. I want to continue to make them a priority, too, because I want them to be a big part of my future. I love being creative and my blog and YouTube channel are both huge outlets for that. They allow me to de-stress from school and work, so I want to make sure I give my time to focus on them!
Alright, well those are five goals I have for my senior year of college! I have more, but these are the five greatest things I want to focus on this year. I’m really hoping I’ll be able to, and I’ll keep you updated on how I’m doing, and how I’m achieving my goals!