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Category: Family

Why You Should Reflect on the Things That Make You Happy

Happy Friday! I can’t believe it’s already time for the weekend again, this week (and spring break!) has flown by insanely fast. I’m sad that my break is coming to an end, but I’m also really excited for my classes next quarter! I’ve enjoyed my time with my puppies and kitties – I can never get enough – and I will definitely miss them when I go back to school. It’s been nice just being able to relax and not worry about school and work!

Today I wanted to talk about something that’s super important: reflecting back on what makes us happy. I was really inspired to talk about this by Renee from Lose the Road (seriously, go check out her blog – she’s one of my favorite bloggers!), because she posts about what made her happy throughout the week. This is such an awesome way to think back on the things that made you feel joy, rather than focus on all of the negative things that happened throughout the week. Scientifically, it is in our nature to focus on the negatives parts of life since those occurrences pose the most danger, so it’s really important to combat those thoughts with happy memories.
I fall victim to focusing on the negatives very easily since I worry about things so often. It’s extremely difficult for me to turn off my brain sometimes, and I just end up going over bad occurrences over and over and over to try and see if there was anything differently I could’ve done in order to change the outcome. I know so many other people struggle with this as well, and it really can be the worst. It’s hard to stop worrying about something, especially when it affected you in a negative way. This, however, causes so much unneccesary stress, because there is literally nothing you can do to change the past; it is physically impossible (unless, you know, you believe in time travel and wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff).
Even though it’s easy for me to get caught up in the anxiety of negative memories, I try to be an optimist. My brother is very much a pessimist, so when I was younger I tried to be the one who looked at the brighter sides of things. Being an optimist isn’t always easy, or doesn’t always come naturally, so thinking about what made us happy throughout the week is a great way to start seeing things in a different light. When you reflect back on positive memories rather than negative ones, life really does seem more happy, and optimism comes more easily. Thinking about what made us happy also allows us to be more grateful for those things, and not take them for granted. It puts life in perspective, and helps us understand that there will be ups and downs in life that are most often out of our control.
And while it is important to learn from your mistakes and unhappy events, it is unnecessary to focus on them incessantly. Learning from something and not being able to let it go are two different things – I’ve been there before, and let me tell you it is not healthy. Sometimes it’s best to let things go when they are only making you stress out, and aren’t offering you anything but negative side effects. It took me a long to understand this, and I still struggle with it. I still focus on things that didn’t have the best outcome, and go over them again and again in my head, but it’s getting easier to simply let go of the things that I cannot change.
As Renee does in her posts, I wanted to share a couple of things that made me happy this week!
Sleeping in with my dog until 10 a.m.
I don’t sleep in while I’m at school in Seattle, and get up around 8 almost every morning to work out before class. Since I’ve been home and haven’t had anything to get done in a timely manner, I’ve been able to sleep in more, eat breakfast whenever, and go to the gym around midday. While I really enjoy getting up early and starting my day, it’s nice to have a break from the structure! Plus, I don’t get to have my dogs and cats in my bed while I’m at school of course, so it’s been so nice to be able to cuddle with them all.
Spending the day out in the sun with my family.
It’s been pretty rainy and gloomy for most of spring break, but there was a sunny day in the beginning of the week that my family and I spent outside doing some yard work and general straightening up! Days like these used to be tedious to me as a child, since it meant a whole day of chores, but now that I’m older I really enjoy them. It’s so satisfying cleaning things up, and it was nice to spend the day with my parents because I don’t see them as often anymore. Spending the whole day outside also meant I had a whole day to throw Willow’s favorite toy over. And over. And over. Seriously, the dog does not get tired ever!
Hanging out with my family who now lives close to us.
Since my family moved a little while back, we found out we actually live about 15 minutes away from some of our family that I had never actually met! It’s been really fun getting to know them and finding out all of our similarities. I grew up near part of my dad’s side of the family, so it’s nice to meet part of his other side!
Being able to watch as many Harry Potter movies as I want.
Being on spring break has meant that I have a lot of free time on my hand, so I’ve been spending a lot of it watching Harry Potter. I always tend to do this on breaks from school since it’s something that reminds me of home, and because I’m just generally a huge Harry Potter fan. It also gives me that nice warm and fuzzy home feeling. My parents are saints, and tolerate these marathons, which is a plus.
Those are just a couple of things that made me happy this week, and some things that definitely were the highlight of my week! These things don’t always have to be huge and extravagent; they can be as little as wearing your favorite sweater and receiving a compliment. At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter how big or small an event is – if it makes you happy, that is all that matters.
What made you happy this week?

Thank you so much for reading, and have a wonderful day! ๐Ÿ™‚

Weekend Recap: Being a Tourist in my Own City | Yoga in Chihuly

This past weekend was incredibly busy. I had work every day, and also a ton of other things to do. Even though it was very busy, I ended up really enjoying myself! Friday was spent doing homework during the day, since I have finals coming up, and then I had work that evening. On Saturday, I woke up bright and early (we’re talking 6 A.M.) to go to yoga in Chihuly Garden and Glass here in Seattle! My roommate and I bought tickets a while ago since we both love yoga, and it was so much fun. Core Power Yoga put the whole event on, and they are known for giving incredible classes. It was so awesome to be able to do yoga in a huge room with a giant structure of glass flowers hanging overhead!
For those of you who don’t know, I go to school in Seattle, and I’ve really been wanting to blog more about “being a tourist in my own city” because there are so many incredible things to do in Seattle! I am not from Seattle, so it’s a lot of fun to go on adventures around the city, and experience all that I can. I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to start this series! Chihuly Garden and Glass is essentially a museum of beautiful structures made of glass. Most of the structures represent plants of some sort, and it was truly incredible to look at all of them. Along with getting to do yoga there, we got to look around the museum! Here are some photos:

This was part of the ceiling of one of the rooms!

This is the room where we did yoga!

As you can see, the museum is right under the Space Needle.

It ended up being really sunny, so the light looked gorgeous through the glass!

All of these pieces are so intricate and unique.

The whole experience was so cool, and my roommate and I ended up having a lot of fun! It was really cool to do yoga in a place that you don’t usually do it, so the change of perspective was really refreshing. There were people at all kinds of different levels in their practice, so it was something that anyone could do! I think that’s one thing that I love about yoga; no one is yelling at you to be better, or telling you you have to do things a certain way. Yoga is up for interpretation (as long as it isn’t harming your body, of course!), and there is absolutely no pressure to be perfect.
After yoga in the morning, I had work all day until 4. I went home for the night, because my aunt and one of my cousins came into town to see our new property! I mentioned briefly on my blog that my family moved this past summer, but I didn’t say anything else about it. Most of my family hasn’t seen the new place yet, so it was really fun for my aunt and cousin to come up and see it! Our family that now lives close to us also came over, so Sunday was spent with the family, which was really nice. I have been so stressed out lately due to the impending doom of finals, so it was great to be able to spend some time with my family, and especially my dogs and cats. Speaking of which, here’s a cute picture of one of our dogs and cats!
Even though I was only home for less than 24 hours, it was great to get a relaxing start to the week. This week is dead week, but I actually have all of my finals before the real finals week. That means lots of stress and studying in the next couple of days, but at least spring break is close!

What did you do this past weekend?

Thank you so much for reading and have a wonderful day! ๐Ÿ™‚

My Experience At VidCon

I feel like I need to take a deep breath before I even start this post. VidCon was this past weekend, and it was one of the most amazing experiences I’ve ever had. I learned so much, met some amazing people, and gained even more passion/motivation for my blog and YouTube channel. It was incredible to be surrounded by so many like-minded people and creative minds.
I went with one of my best friends, Joycie (from Much Ado About Nothing), and we both got creator passes. I’m very glad that we did, because we were able to attend super helpful panels featuring larger and more knowledgable YouTubers, and man, did we learn a lot! There were seriously panels on everything you can imagine, and we got to meet a lot of the YouTubers after their panels! It was nice to meet them on a more “professional” level, and to be able to ask them questions and for advice. I took a lot of notes, and now I feel like I can make a serious game-plan on how to grow my blog and channel, and I’m so excited!
During VidCon, I also got to be a part of a mentorship program in which I got two sessions with two different mentors (who turned out to be Nikki Phillippi and Meghan Camarena from Strawburry17!!). I was able to show them a video I had made, and ask them questions and advice specific to my channel. They were both extremely nice and helpful, and the sessions were super invaluable!

Here’s Meghan and I at our session!

I cannot thank them enough for the advice they gave me, and I really hope to meet them next year again with much more success from the advice they gave me! I’ve set some goals for myself for this next year until VidCon 2016, so hopefully I’ll be able to tell them how much I’ve achieved!
With Creator passes, we were basically allowed to do everything that Community people were, except get into the signing hall, which was just fine with me. I loved being able to go the main expo hall and go around to the booths, but then also go to the second floor – that only people with Creator and Industry passes could get into – to attend really helpful panels. I don’t do too well with the whole running and screaming crowd thing, so it was nice to have our calm second floor to go to that was much more relaxed. We had our own lounges that we could relax in, and oddly enough, I was able to find gluten-free and vegetarian food on the second floor! That was definitely a plus, because I had the hardest time finding food that was both gluten-free and vegetarian. We ended up eating most of our meals at the Baja Fresh inside the Hilton, since Mexican food can easily be made with corn tortillas and without meat.
While we were at VidCon, we got to meet so many people! I’ll show you guys some pictures here:

sWooZie and I! 
Louis from FunForLouis!

Cassey Ho (Blogilates)!

Andrea from Andrea’s Choice!

Convos With Our 2-Year-Old!!

Aspyn Ovard! 
Shaycarl’s mom!

Estรฉe from Essie Button!

Anna and Jonathan from the SacconeJoly’s!

Austin and Brittany from the Nive Nulls!

All of the YouTubers I met were so incredibly nice, and were willing to meet all of us! It was so cool to be able to meet them in real life, and to ask them questions. It just makes me even more excited to grow my blog and channel! I have big plans for this next year, and I am seriously ready to hustle in order to make my dreams come true. I figured I would be inspired after VidCon, but I really didn’t know just how pumped I would be! Although I’m sad VidCon is over, I still have this passion that is making me so excited for the future. I am even more dedicated to making my dreams come true; it will happen! Don’t ever let anyone tell you that you can’t achieve something. I am so ready to prove all of those people wrong! Together we can do anything – so get excited for this next year!
I also just want to thank all of you guys who are following me, subscribed, or have supported me in any way shape or form! I am extremely grateful to you guys, and I’m so happy you’re a part of our little family. With time it’ll just get bigger and bigger, and even more supportive of all of us! We are all in this together (cue High School Musical music), so let’s make this next year great! (Okay that sounds weird because in fact it is the middle of the year, but ya’ll know what I mean).


Thank you so much for reading, and have a wonderful day!

DIY Fairy Garden

As you may have seen in my last post (Weekend Recap: Father’s Day Photos), my mom and I made our very own fairy garden for my dad that doubles as a hummingbird feeder. Because he loves hummingbirds so much, we decided we would make the coolest feeder possible for them! (And, I think my mom just really wanted to make a fairy garden.)

In order to make this little fairy garden, my mom and I got most everything from Michaels, and what we didn’t get there, we already had at home. The piece of wood was found on our property, and we thought it would be perfect for this little project!

The whole process was a bit messy, but it turned out well! We just started out by placing the little jars we fill up with the hummingbird food (sugar and water), and then we started putting on all of the little additional details.

 Here is the whole thing completed! I love how it looks as a whole, and when you look at each individual detail! There are so many little adorable details all over it, so it’s cool to look at it closely!

 We put little lights on it as well so it lights up at night. We of course bring it in at night since we don’t want the outdoors to damage the lights!

My mom and I were so pleased with how it turned out! My dad ended up loving it, although the hummingbirds are still a little unsure about it. We put little tiny straws into the jars that are surrounded by flowers, so we’re just waiting for them to get a little bit more used to it. I’m sure with time they’ll be more willing to check it out! For now, it’s just really adorable to look at and use as a sweet little decoration.
This project would be so perfect for little kids as well! I’m sure they would have an absolute blast making this, and then playing with it once it’s finished. I remember I had this little fairy book when I was a little girl, and I absolutely adored it. There’s just something so fun about fairies for little kids! And even as adults, we’re all still enjoying this little project!

Have you ever made a fairy garden before?

Thank you so much for reading, and have a wonderful day! ๐Ÿ™‚

Weekend Recap: Father’s Day Photos

I’m sure you are well aware that Father’s Day was yesterday, and if your friends are anything like mine, all of your timelines were flooded with adorable “Dad and Me” pictures and posts! It was really cool looking through them and seeing all of the love! I spent the day with my parents at home, just lounging around the house for most of the day. It was relaxing, and exactly what my dad wanted. I, of course, was taking snapshots throughout the day, so I thought I’d do a roundup post of yesterday, as well as some pictures from the whole weekend.
Mmmm the cinnamon filling for the pancakes.

Look at those beauties cookin’.

Cinnamon roll pancakes! I made these for my family, and they were pretty darn good!

Look at that little smile!

And of course TJ was taking his morning nap right underneath me while I was cooking.

Sweet little moment between my dad and Miki.

Aaaaand then Willow sees Miki is getting brushed…

…so she of course gets right in the middle of it!

My mom and I made this little fairy garden for my dad that doubles as a hummingbird feeder, since he loves birds!

The card I made for my dad.

It even lights up! I’ll be doing a whole post on this in the coming week so be on the look out for that! ๐Ÿ™‚

Perry apparently did not want to be photographed…

I had to show you guys the close-up.

Angel never looks amused when I pull the camera out, but I promise she’s a sweetheart!
So there were some little snapshots from my weekend! I love relaxed weekends at home because you get the chance to just be lazy and spend time with your family (and puppies and kitties)! My family had a wonderful Father’s Day, and I cooked for my parents the whole day so they could also relax and do nothing! It’s nice to be able to do that since I’m home from college for the summer.
How was your Father’s Day weekend?

Thank you so much for reading, and have a wonderful day! ๐Ÿ™‚

Dealing With Endometriosis

So, what is endometriosis anyway?
Endometriosis is a condition that a lot of people don’t know about, but is becoming more and more prevalent among women today. It’s a disorder that is oftentimes very painful, where the tissue that usually lines the inside of the uterus grows outside of it, usually around the ovaries, bowel, or the tissue lining the pelvis. The extra tissue outside of the uterus causes cysts to occur because the tissue has no way to exit. These cysts are very painful and sometimes have to be removed with surgery if they don’t go away on their own. Endometriosis can also cause scar tissue around the uterus, which can lead to fertility problems later in life.

My Story
(Side note, this story contains a lot about periods so if that isn’t your cup of tea, you have been warned)

I have always had really bad cramps while on my period. Even from my very first one, my periods have always lasted a solid week – sometimes even 8 days. My mom was the same way, though, so we really didn’t think anything of it. Fast forward a couple of years, and I was working as a camp counselor over the summer when I started to have really bad pains in my lower stomach. They persisted through the night, and finally in the morning my parents took me to the ER. The doctors first thought I had appendicitis since they found fluid in my stomach around where my appendix was. A surgeon came to my room and told me not to eat or drink anything because they would be performing an appendectomy on me later that day. Naturally, I was terrified because all of a sudden I would be getting surgery when I thought I just had a bad stomach bug.
One of the OBGYN’s (women’s doctor basically) in the hospital saw the results from the CT scan and thought that instead of having appendicitis, I must have had a large cyst that had just burst, resulting in the fluid around my appendix. They told us to go home and wait for a day, and if the pain subsided a bit, then the most likely cause of the pain was the cyst. We did just that, and my pain did lessen. After all of this, I had to go to an OBGYN in order to determine the cause of the cyst, which meant multiple doctor’s visits and ultrasounds. Seriously, I think I’ve had more ultrasounds than a pregnant lady. So, once they were pretty sure the cause was endometriosis (all of the symptoms were there, long and painful periods, the whole cyst fiasco, pain in my lower stomach random times throughout the month, etc.), my doctor decided to do a laparoscopy to know for sure I had endometriosis, and to get out any scar tissue or remaining cysts.
This time, surgery wasn’t so scary (although I did almost pass out while talking about it – I don’t do so well when talking about myself getting surgery, but with other people I’m fine…weird I know) since I had time to prepare, but I was still nervous to see what the doctors would find. About a week and two small incisions later, my doctor told me I did in fact have endometriosis, and that there were a couple of ways we could keep it under control since there’s no cure. She decided to put me on a really low dose birth control to keep a handle on the hormones that cause the extra tissue to grow, and if that didn’t work, I would have to get a shot every three months that put my body in a controlled menopause state. My family and I opted for the birth control since there were a lot less risks, and it worked really well for a couple of years. Recently, I have been developing cysts again more frequently, so my doctor decided to change up my prescription, which has helped a lot.

How I Deal With Endometriosis
Now that my endometriosis is mostly under control, the pain has lessened immensely. Before we knew that I had it, the pain was sometimes unbearable which caused me to occasionally stay home from school and lie down for most of the day. I had no idea that other girls didn’t get such bad cramps, or feel pain in their lower stomach throughout the month. I’m actually really allergic to ibuprofen so I can only take pain medication with Tylenol in it, so I typically just lie down and let the pain subside. Using a heating pad can really help sometimes, too! Since the hormones that cause the tissue to grow uncontrollably are under control, I have a lot less pain, and a lot fewer cysts.

Why I Decided To Post About Endometriosis
When I first heard the term “endometriosis” I had absolutely no idea what my doctor was talking about. We of course came home from the doctors office and researched it as much as possible, and found some great resources. It turns out it is a hereditary disorder, and affects the women in my own family on my dad’s side, and a couple on my mom’s side as well. Endometriosis is something that needs to be talked about a lot more because it’s affecting more and more women. It’s something that can easily be controlled once known about, but also something that can get out of control if let alone. There are some great resources, like the Endometriosis Foundation of America, that have information about endometriosis and just general support. I learned a lot from their website when I found out I had endometriosis, and it made the whole situation feel a lot more manageable!
I wanted to post about endometriosis, though, so there’s a little bit more awareness about it. I really think more people should know about it, because it’s something more and more women are suffering from, but they don’t even know it. Early detection can literally be life-saving, because some women become infertile if left untreated. This has happened in my own family, and it’s so sad when it happens, especially to women who really want children.

-Pain in the lower stomach and back, especially during your period
-Excessive cramps during your period
-Heavy flow
-Excessive fatigue, especially during your period
-Basically, every symptom during your periods are far worse than normal

-Pain medication
-Hormone Therapy
-Low-dose birth control pills
-Surgery (laparoscopies usually)

When should I see my doc?
If you are having sever symptoms during your period, you should just go see your doctor to get things checked out. Periods suck in general, but if they are debilitating to you, then you should really go in. Early detection is key with anything, so it never hurts to ask your doctor if you could be experiencing endometriosis. It can be a little scary at first (I was only fifteen at the time so I was quite terrified to say the least), but it’ll work out in the end, and you can always take someone with you to the doctors! I had my parents with me every step of the way, and the rest of my family was there for me after my surgery to constantly check in on me, so that was really wonderful.

Wow, this ended up being long! I’ve been wanting to write about endometriosis for a while now, though, because like I said, it’s something that I believe needs more awareness. I’m also in the middle of dead weak (finals are in a couple of days!), so it was nice to take my mind off of studying and just write about something that’s been a big part of my life in recent years.

Have you ever heard of endometriosis?

Thank you so much for reading, and have a wonderful day! ๐Ÿ™‚

Weekend Recap: We Got a Puppy!

This past week has been absolutely crazy. Because it was Mother’s Day weekend, I was planning on going home for the weekend on Friday, but ended up getting sick Wednesday and going home Thursday night so I could be sick at home. Once I got home, my parents told me we were getting a puppy from California, and that that they would be going to get her on Monday night! I was super excited because one of our dogs passed away a couple of months ago, and ever since then our other two dogs have been really sad and mopey. We all thought a puppy would be a great way to cheer them up, and who doesn’t want a puppy?!
My parents asked if I wanted to go with them on Monday, but I wouldn’t be able to because those are my busiest days with classes, and I didn’t want to miss that much school with midterms coming up. Because of that, we decided to leave Friday night to get her! It took us 12 hours to drive to California from our house, and then another 12 hours to drive back. Needless to say, 30 hours later (we had to stop a lot to let our dogs out of the car to stretch their legs, bathroom and food breaks, etc., which added up to an extra 4 hours) we were all very ready to get home and out of the car.
And this is Willow! The 30 hour road trip was so worth it to get her. She is such a sweetheart and fits right in with our family, which consists of two other dogs and four cats. It took our other two dogs, TJ and Miki, a day or so to get used to her, but they are playing like best friends now.
Here are some photos from the trip:

She was kind of nervous at first in the car.

This is TJ, my dog.
She became more brave and started trying to cuddle with him!
And then TJ didn’t really like that so he came up and sat on my lap. Not even kidding.
Typical puppy chewing on everything.

We stopped at Lake Shasta real quick which was really pretty!
After 30 hours in the car, home didn’t even seem real, and we all slept for a good 12 hours. 
TJ was so happy to be home and able to run around.
This is Miki, and she was super happy to be home as well.
Miki was really unsure of Willow at first, but she warmed up to her. She loves to “mother” her!
Willow just adores Miki – and TJ – and loves to do everything that they do. 
Overall, the trip was actually fun and definitely worth it to get a puppy! I didn’t end up doing hardly any homework which I’m paying for now, but again, so worth it! Willow is the perfect little addition to our family and I will definitely cherish these memories. It’s hard being away at college sometimes when you miss your family, so this weekend was really exactly what I needed! And summer is only a couple of weeks away, so I’ll be able to spend lots of time with all of my puppies.
What did you do this weekend?

Thank you so much for reading, and have a wonderful day! ๐Ÿ™‚

I Sent Out My DNA?!

You might be thinking “What the heck do you mean Kendra?!” but I promise, this isn’t a part of some strange cult. I have always been interested in genetics, ancestors, and things like family history, so I asked for the DNA Kit from for Christmas. I actually heard about the DNA kit from the show America’s Next Top Model (a guilty pleasure of mine), and have been wanting it ever since!

The whole process is really easy; you get the package in the mail, spit in the little tube they give you, activate your test online, and then send the tube back to them in the prepaid box given to you!

 This was actually the day I got my hair done – the last couple of pictures before I colored my hair!

 Wow read those instructions Kendra.

 Starting to spit hahaha.

This may be the best picture of me ever.

You get the results in 6-8 weeks, and they basically just tell you what you are, ethnicity wise! I know I have Scottish, Irish, and Native American in me predominately, but it’ll be so interesting to find out just how much I have, and what else I am, if that makes sense haha. I will definitely be sharing the results once I get them!

Thank you so much for reading, and have a wonderful day! ๐Ÿ™‚

Disclaimer: this is NOT a sponsored post.