I honestly feel like college has been the fastest part of my life; it truly feels like I was just getting ready for my freshman year. Time really does fly by when you’re busy and having fun! There’s been so much that I’ve learned throughout my time in college, and it’s crazy that I only have one year left. I really want to make it a great year, since it’s probably going to be my last year in school for a little while (WHAT?!). I’ve been thinking about going to law school for the last year or so, but I want to take at least year off in order to work and save up. It’ll also be nice to take a break!
To make sure I have a good year, though, I’ve set some goals for myself so I can stay on track and (hopefully) remain motivated for the year. I want to finish college on a strong note and, of course, get good grades to get into law school! Here they are:
I’m going to be very busy this year because I’ll have two part time jobs, a full schedule of classes, and my blog and YouTube channel to keep up on. Keeping on top of my school work is going to be key for my success, and to help with that, I plan on utilizing my bullet journal a lot. I’ll be sharing my school spreads with you guys so you can see how I stay organized and motivated with it! I’m a little worried about how busy I’ll be, and I hope I’ll be able to balance all of it. Last year was crazy enough with one part time job, and this year I have my senior project, so we’ll see how it goes!
This is obvious, because of course everyone wants to get good grades, but I want it to be one of my main focuses for this year. Like I said, I want to end college on a strong note, so my grades are a huge part of that. My senior project will take place during winter quarter, and I want to make sure I get a good grade in the class that it takes place in, because it’ll be something that I can put on my resume!
Because I’m not busy enough (ha ha), I want to get even more involved in the clubs I’m in. I joined a pre-law professional frat last year, so I really want meet people in there and take on some leadership roles! I also really want to have a leadership role in my senior project (it’s a group project), so I can put that on my resume! I had never really had a leadership role until last year, when I was on the leadership team for a volunteer club, and I actually really liked having the responsibility! I’m also just super excited for the project, so I want to be as involved as possible.
I quickly learned in college how important self-care is that. I’m an anxious person, and when I don’t get enough sleep, ignore my body when it’s telling myself to slow down, and not give myself a mental break every now and then, it doesn’t bode well. I end up getting a lot of panic attacks, and feeling super overwhelmed, so I want to focus on not doing that this year, especially since I’ll be so busy. It’ll be easy to fall into the trap of not taking care of myself, so I’m going to make it a priority early on. A huge part of that is getting enough sleep, working out, and eating right, so those are all things I’ll be focusing on!
I’ve really been trying to do that this summer, and my passion for both of them have been renewed. It wasn’t that I was getting bored with them or anything, I just got so busy and both definitely got put on the back burner. I want to continue to make them a priority, too, because I want them to be a big part of my future. I love being creative and my blog and YouTube channel are both huge outlets for that. They allow me to de-stress from school and work, so I want to make sure I give my time to focus on them!
Alright, well those are five goals I have for my senior year of college! I have more, but these are the five greatest things I want to focus on this year. I’m really hoping I’ll be able to, and I’ll keep you updated on how I’m doing, and how I’m achieving my goals!
Can I just take a little time to gush about how pretty the weather has been here in Seattle? It’s going to be in the 70s tomorrow. The 70s, people. I am thrilled and have been wearing all of my summer dresses with disregard to the still-chilly-but-sunny weather. However, I did take off my sweater today and only wore a dress! Summer is coming.
On to the post for today; I wanted to talk about why I’m glad I didn’t buckle down a choose a major my freshman year of college. I am a sophomore now, and applied to my major, International Studies, this last quarter, and ended up getting in. I actually came into UW thinking about majoring in International Studies, but changed my mind several different times throughout the year. I’m glad I did this for many different reasons. One, I was able to take many different classes from all of the different majors at my university. Two, in taking many different classes, I didn’t limit myself to only one focus all throughout college. Three, I had the freedom to think about all of the things I could possible do, and in doing so, had the courage to believe in myself, and believe that I could do anything I set my mind to.
As I’ve stated before, I really like to have plans for my life. I had a plan for high school when I was in junior high, and knew all of the classes I wanted to take from talking to my older brother and neighbor. I wrote all of them out on the paper, and while I didn’t take all of these classes, I always had at least a general outline for every term. When I came to college, I fully intended on majoring in International Studies, and only taking classes pertaining to that specific major. Sure, I knew I wanted to take fun classes as well, like dance, but I wanted to be as productive as I could in regards to getting all of the requirements done.
Once I got to school, I realized that maybe International Studies wasn’t the right major for me. The initial requirements for the school of IS were boring classes with content that I had mostly learned my senior year of high school. I wasn’t enjoying myself, and didn’t feel like I could truly engage in all of the classes. After my first quarter, I started to play around with the idea of maybe becoming a vet. I took chemistry, and remembered how much I did not enjoy it in high school, and also that I would never be able to perform surgery on an animal due to my queasiness, or put one down because I would be heartbroken. I absolutely love animals, and still entertain the idea of becoming a zoologist, but being a vet isn’t the right career for me.
After that, I decided maybe communications would be perfect for me. I love to write, and am obviously very involved in the media through my blog and YouTube channel, so I decided to take a communications class. While I didn’t overtly hate the class, it just wasn’t my cup of tea, and I knew I wouldn’t be happy only having a career in communications. The subject matter is very interesting, but it is also pretty straight forward, and contained ideas that most people know about anyway with common sense. I don’t mean to discredit the major in any way; it’s a very important field of study, especially in today’s world, but it just isn’t something that makes me feel inspired, or want to work towards.
Over the summer between freshman and sophomore year, my interest went back to International Studies, and I looked up all of the different career choices you could have after college. One of my dreams is to travel, so the idea of traveling as your job made me very excited. I also looked more into the International Studies school at my university, and I saw that peace, diplomacy, and security are a part of one of the focuses you can choose within the major, which is right up my alley. I want to make a difference in the world, and I really felt like this major and track could help give me the tools to do so. I finished up the requirements for the major in fall quarter of this year, and applied during winter quarter. I got into the school, and now I am starting in on all of the credits required for graduation. After I was done with the prerequisites to the major, the classes have gotten much more interesting, and I find myself really enjoying the subject matter.
Throughout all of these decisions, there was one more thing nagging me in the back of my mind. As you all probably know, I have always wanted to write a book. English has always been my favorite subject in school, and is the subject in which I excel at. It excites me, and keeps me desiring to improve myself more and more. After a lot of thought, I decided I wanted to double major with International Studies and English – specifically the creative writing part of the major since there are technically two different kinds of English majors at my university. I was always afraid to major in English due to the stigma of “never getting a job from an English degree” surrounding it, but it’s what I’m passionate about, and will make me happy.
Double majoring is hard due to all of the credit requirements, and I’m making it even more difficult on myself with a minor in Spanish. Since I am so passionate about all three subject materials, I know that I can do it because I’m willing to put in the work. I’m going to have a lot of late nights ahead of me, but I know it will all be worth it.
As for choosing my major(s) this year, rather than freshman year, I’m so glad that I took the time to find out what I truly want to study and have a career in. I didn’t want to get to senior year and realize that I hated my major; I wanted to be absolutely sure that I was in the right place. Being incredibly indecisive, I think it was important for me to try out all of the different classes I could, within reason. It takes me a long time to come to a decision about anything, so choosing my major my freshman year could’ve been a disaster for me. Through taking a ton of different classes, I also got to really experience all of the different schools that are at my university.
I know I will probably question myself later down the road, as every college student and young adult does, but for now I’m happy with my decisions. I’m excited for my future and to see where my studies will take me. Who knows where I will end up! That’s a scary thought to have, especially for someone who is so anxious about everything; however, I am slowly coming to terms with the fact that I cannot control life, no matter how hard I try.
Happy Friday! I can’t believe it’s already time for the weekend again, this week (and spring break!) has flown by insanely fast. I’m sad that my break is coming to an end, but I’m also really excited for my classes next quarter! I’ve enjoyed my time with my puppies and kitties – I can never get enough – and I will definitely miss them when I go back to school. It’s been nice just being able to relax and not worry about school and work!
I always hated running while growing up; I was a swimmer and a dancer, so running was never an activity that I had to do outside of P.E. during school. I dreaded the mile runs that we would have to do throughout the year, and I knew I would end up having an asthma attack at the end. That was part of the reason why I never ran, because I had asthma pretty badly while growing up. As I’ve gotten older, my asthma has gotten a lot better, and I only have to use my inhaler when I’m sick, or run outside.
If you’ve been following my blog for a while now, you know that I’ve had long hair for the greater part of my life. I started growing it out around fifth grade because I always had short hair when I was younger. My mom always cut it into a bob to thicken it up because I had thin hair when I was a wee little tot, and that backfired because now I have enough hair to share with about five people. Okay, maybe it’s not that thick, but cutting it into a bob really must’ve done the trick.
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Summer 2015 |
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Spring 2014 |
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Summer 2015 |
The day I got my haircut! December 2015 |
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January 2016 |
Check out the video I did on my goals as well!