I am a very quote-oriented person. Call it cheesy, but I really love motivational quotes, especially since I love reading and writing. Words can be transformative, and can give people the courage to make a change, inspire them, or just make them feel good. This week hasn’t been the best because of stress, and I’ve been in this weird funk that I’m trying to get out of. Whenever I feel like this, I always turn to quotes to make me feel better, so I thought I would share some that’s been helping me a lot this week!
It’s really easy for me to get caught up in the stress of life and consequently forget about living in the moment. This quote really puts things into perspective, and helps me live each day to its fullest! When I was at the beach for my birthday weekend, I really felt like I was living in the moment, and because of that I ended up having the best time. I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately, so I think I’m going to do a whole post about it soon!
This is a very important quote for college students. Sometimes it feels like we are suffering through classes for no reason, but it’s really important to keep in mind that all of these hardships we are going through now will result in incredible futures! Keep this in mind when it feels like you are drowning.
In media today, shaming people is something that is huge. Oftentimes people are spoken badly about, and things get way out hand, and it’s completely unnecessary. I really love this quote because it’s so true; when you try to be kind to people and show them compassion, it makes it that much less believable when people are putting you down. This is really similar to the whole “kill ’em with kindness” mindset. It’s really important, though, to not do this in a fake way. Be your genuine self, and try to be kind; however, on the other hand, never let anyone put you down.
Alright, those are three quotes that helped me get through this long and difficult week! It wasn’t even bad or anything, I just have so many things going on that I’m feeling very overwhelmed. Plus, we’re getting close to the end of the year, so all of my classes have been kicking it up a notch. Hopefully I’ll be able to relax this weekend!
Disclaimer: None of these quotes are mine!
I have been on Etsy so much lately looking at room decor, and everything else really. You can find some really adorable things on Etsy, and it’s super fun to just browse around! While I was looking the other day, I came across a really cool crescent moon dreamcatcher. I have always loved dreamcatchers, and have had a lot through the years. When I saw this one, I knew I wanted to make one like it! I absolutely love DIY-ing, so I really wanted to make one rather than buy it, especially since I knew I could simply make one myself.
Here is all that you will need for this DIY (side note: I got everything from Michaels just to keep this easy! This post is in no way sponsored by them, however!)
How pretty are these feathers?! I saw them and knew I had to use them for this DIY.
I also got these feathers since they are nice and fluffy and large. I also like the natural color that they add to the dreamcatcher since a lot of the pieces are white!
Here is the metal rod cut to the crescent shape!
I have been obsessed with Michaels stone and crystal collection they’ve had in the jewelry section! Everything is seriously so gorgeous, it was so hard to choose which crystal pendants to get. I have this really nerdy rock collection, so the inner rock geek in me was crying when I saw all of the stones.
I got this really pretty shimmery embroidery floss for the web part of the dreamcatcher, and I think it ended up looking so cool! I love how it’s basically a dark copper color, and it really added a cool dimension to the web, especially since they can be kind of bland sometimes.
Here’s a nifty action shot of my dad cutting the metal. He was very proud of himself for making it on the blog, ya’ll (he didn’t realize he wasn’t actually in the shot…poor guy).
These are the little clippers my dad used to cut the metal!
Let’s get started with the actual process:
To get the beginning of the twine to actually stay on the metal, I used a hot glue gun (I completely forgot to take a picture of it, sorry!) to glue the end of the twine down. After it was dry and the twine was secure, I went ahead and started to wrap the twine tightly around the metal.
I first quickly wrapped the twine, and then went back and pushed it all together more.
Once I hit the end of the metal, I did the exact same gluing process as the beginning!
For the strings that hang down, I decided to do slip knots. I first pulled off how much I wanted from the spool, and then doubled it back up it’s length so both sides where the same size. After you have one long string folded in half basically, grab just below the part where it is folded in half.
Fold the loop back behind the base (the metal rod covered in twine).
Put your fingers through the loop, and pull both lengths completely through the loop.
This is how it should look after you pull the whole thing through the loop.
Tighten up the knot, and situate it how you want!
Okay, now time for the web! This is the time I definitely suggest watching the video to see exactly how this is done. I completely forgot to picture this on the first “layer” of the web, but it’s exactly the same process. To start it off, wrap the string around the base about five times, or however many you think it takes to anchor it tightly, and tie it off. So take the tale of the string and fold it to the right of the base, or in this case the second “layer” of the string.
Pull the tale over the second layer. You will see a kind of loop form, especially if you are on the second layer.
Pull the whole tale back through the loop.
Now it’s time for the fun part – decoration! My parents had this copper wire hanging around that I decided to put around some of the string (you can also find this at stores like Home Depot if your parents don’t just happen to have some haha), and I absolutely love how it turned out. To keep the feathers on, I hot glued them to the strings, and tied the string around them to make it appear as though I had tied them on rather than glued them on.
Here’s how everything turned out! I love how the gold feathers look with the more natural ones.
The crystals really add a lot as well!
Do you stand with Kesha?
Thank you so much for reading, and have a wonderful day! 🙂
College can be super stressful, and it’s difficult to find time to actually unwind and relax. Whenever I do find time to do nothing, I always feel guilty and like I could be doing something productive. It is a never-ending vicious cycle, and one that makes de-stressing very hard!
There’s a club at my university that is $5 for the whole quarter of yoga, so it’s basically unlimited yoga classes! It’s pretty amazing, and the classes are great because they have fantastic yoga instructors. I have done yoga here and there in the past, but never consistently, and ohmygosh does it do wonders for your body and mind! During the classes, I can feel myself relax into a place where I don’t think of anything else but what I am doing in the current moment. It’s calming as well, which is fantastic for my anxiety.
It can be really hard to be present in the current situation at hand; we are always so worried about the future, and how we handled the past, that we forget to live in the now. This is so important to do, however, because your whole life will pass you by without you even knowing it. Living in the moment is one of my goals this year, because I want to make sure I am making the most out of everyday. I am so guilty of worrying about the future to the point where I’m not even paying attention to the present. Yoga has really put that into perspective for me, because it makes you focus on the here and now.
Okay, I just had to quickly show you guys my new Nike’s as well! I got them for Christmas, and I have been loving them so much. They are so bright and cheery, but also super comfortable!
Look at those pastels, oh my gosh.
If we are talking about the logistics of yoga, I usually wear short or long yoga pants (okay, duh Kendra), with either a flowy long sleeve shirt, or a tank top of some sort.
Shirt: This was a Christmas present, so I don’t actually know where I got it. I think JCPenny’s!
Pants: Lulu Lemon
Shoes: Nike
I am so in love with these pants! The marble print is so cool, and they are really comfortable for yoga.
I cannot stress enough how important it is to make time to relax, and forget about the stress you are feeling. These last couple of weeks have been so difficult and stressful for me. I have been applying to my major, applying for study abroad programs, and I have had a multitude of tests and papers. Basically, it’s just been what every normal college student goes through by their sophomore year! As you get further into college, the stress gets more and more overwhelming, and I am trying to adjust to that. Going to yoga, though, has helped me have at least an hour a day to find time to relax and forget about all of my worries.
Even if it isn’t yoga, find something that de-stresses you, and allows you to have some relaxation time! It is invaluable to have an activity to alleviate stress, so go out and find one, and feel better. Your mental health will thank you.
How do you manage stress?
Thank you so much for reading, and have a wonderful day! 🙂
I always hated running while growing up; I was a swimmer and a dancer, so running was never an activity that I had to do outside of P.E. during school. I dreaded the mile runs that we would have to do throughout the year, and I knew I would end up having an asthma attack at the end. That was part of the reason why I never ran, because I had asthma pretty badly while growing up. As I’ve gotten older, my asthma has gotten a lot better, and I only have to use my inhaler when I’m sick, or run outside.
If you’ve been following my blog for a while now, you know that I’ve had long hair for the greater part of my life. I started growing it out around fifth grade because I always had short hair when I was younger. My mom always cut it into a bob to thicken it up because I had thin hair when I was a wee little tot, and that backfired because now I have enough hair to share with about five people. Okay, maybe it’s not that thick, but cutting it into a bob really must’ve done the trick.
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Summer 2015 |
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Spring 2014 |
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Summer 2015 |
The day I got my haircut! December 2015 |
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January 2016 |
When I first heard of “Sophomore Slump,” I didn’t think it would affect me that much. At the end of freshman year I felt like I had a pretty solid plan of what I would be studying after struggling with it so much for the whole year. As I am about halfway through my first quarter of sophomore year, I am definitely in a slump. Honestly, it really isn’t a bad one, rather just a stressful speed bump in my motivation. I love most of my classes, so I am very motivated to do all of the work for them, but I really cannot stand Economics, so it’s so much harder to actually sit down and force myself to study and do all of my homework. I do in fact get around to it, it just takes a lot longer.
With school coming right around the corner for some people, I thought it would be perfect to share with you guys a DIY that’s great for motivation. We all have those days where we feel inadequate for various reasons: a failed test, rejection of any kind, or you just feel down because of stress. I find that when I feel like this, motivational quotes, however cheesy, can really help to get me out of a slump. Making some kind of art piece with the quote is even better, since arts and crafts are so therapeutic. Does that make me sound ninety years old? Probably. But as long as it helps me stay motivated throughout the year, sign me up!
I feel like I need to take a deep breath before I even start this post. VidCon was this past weekend, and it was one of the most amazing experiences I’ve ever had. I learned so much, met some amazing people, and gained even more passion/motivation for my blog and YouTube channel. It was incredible to be surrounded by so many like-minded people and creative minds.
I went with one of my best friends, Joycie (from Much Ado About Nothing), and we both got creator passes. I’m very glad that we did, because we were able to attend super helpful panels featuring larger and more knowledgable YouTubers, and man, did we learn a lot! There were seriously panels on everything you can imagine, and we got to meet a lot of the YouTubers after their panels! It was nice to meet them on a more “professional” level, and to be able to ask them questions and for advice. I took a lot of notes, and now I feel like I can make a serious game-plan on how to grow my blog and channel, and I’m so excited!
During VidCon, I also got to be a part of a mentorship program in which I got two sessions with two different mentors (who turned out to be Nikki Phillippi and Meghan Camarena from Strawburry17!!). I was able to show them a video I had made, and ask them questions and advice specific to my channel. They were both extremely nice and helpful, and the sessions were super invaluable!
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Here’s Meghan and I at our session! |
I cannot thank them enough for the advice they gave me, and I really hope to meet them next year again with much more success from the advice they gave me! I’ve set some goals for myself for this next year until VidCon 2016, so hopefully I’ll be able to tell them how much I’ve achieved!
With Creator passes, we were basically allowed to do everything that Community people were, except get into the signing hall, which was just fine with me. I loved being able to go the main expo hall and go around to the booths, but then also go to the second floor – that only people with Creator and Industry passes could get into – to attend really helpful panels. I don’t do too well with the whole running and screaming crowd thing, so it was nice to have our calm second floor to go to that was much more relaxed. We had our own lounges that we could relax in, and oddly enough, I was able to find gluten-free and vegetarian food on the second floor! That was definitely a plus, because I had the hardest time finding food that was both gluten-free and vegetarian. We ended up eating most of our meals at the Baja Fresh inside the Hilton, since Mexican food can easily be made with corn tortillas and without meat.
While we were at VidCon, we got to meet so many people! I’ll show you guys some pictures here:
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sWooZie and I! |
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Louis from FunForLouis! |
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Cassey Ho (Blogilates)! |
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Andrea from Andrea’s Choice! |
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Convos With Our 2-Year-Old!! |
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Aspyn Ovard! |
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Shaycarl’s mom! |
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Estée from Essie Button! |
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Anna and Jonathan from the SacconeJoly’s! |
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Austin and Brittany from the Nive Nulls! |
All of the YouTubers I met were so incredibly nice, and were willing to meet all of us! It was so cool to be able to meet them in real life, and to ask them questions. It just makes me even more excited to grow my blog and channel! I have big plans for this next year, and I am seriously ready to hustle in order to make my dreams come true. I figured I would be inspired after VidCon, but I really didn’t know just how pumped I would be! Although I’m sad VidCon is over, I still have this passion that is making me so excited for the future. I am even more dedicated to making my dreams come true; it will happen! Don’t ever let anyone tell you that you can’t achieve something. I am so ready to prove all of those people wrong! Together we can do anything – so get excited for this next year!
I also just want to thank all of you guys who are following me, subscribed, or have supported me in any way shape or form! I am extremely grateful to you guys, and I’m so happy you’re a part of our little family. With time it’ll just get bigger and bigger, and even more supportive of all of us! We are all in this together (cue High School Musical music), so let’s make this next year great! (Okay that sounds weird because in fact it is the middle of the year, but ya’ll know what I mean).
Thank you so much for reading, and have a wonderful day!