I’m not sure if I’ve ever mentioned that I have to eat gluten free because of an allergy, but lately I’ve really been wanting to spread the word about living gluten free! I found out I was allergic to wheat about three years ago, and man was it rough cutting out all gluten! Just think of the best foods (bread, pasta, and for me, my mom’s dumplings), and imagine never eating them again! Okay, okay, it isn’t that bleak, but it was definitely a challenge! Today, there are so many gluten free options available so it really isn’t even that hard, you really just have to readjust your taste buds! I thought it would be cool, though, to start sharing my gluten free tips with you guys, and just break down exactly what gluten and gluten free eating is!
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My outfit that I wore! |
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Good company meant lots of smiles! |
Look at how beautiful my risotto was. It tasted as good as it looked! |
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They even put a candle on my creme brûlée! |
I would just like to point out the man in the top left corner… |
And again…. |
The exact moment my candle went out before I blew it out! |
On my actual birthday, one of my best friends and my floor mates in my dorm threw me a little surprise birthday party! I was so surprised, and super happy! Unfortunately, I didn’t get to take any pictures but it was caught on camera! If I end up putting it into a vlog I will definitely post it here. My parents also surprised me (and brought my dogs!) so that was so great as well.
Thank you as well to all of you who have wished me a happy birthday! I had a wonderful day overall, and I also got the CANON T5I!!!!! I cannot contain my excitement, so expect lots of pictures soon.
Also, if you would like to see it, I filmed a ‘Get Ready With Me’ for my birthday!
Thanks for reading, and have a wonderful day! 🙂
Sneak peak of these watercolor shoes! I’m so excited to share how I did this with you guys! 🙂
I’m so glad the weather is finally warming up! It’s already almost the end of spring break, though, so that’s really sad! This quarter should be fun so it shouldn’t be too bad jumping back into classes, and it also helps that my birthday is coming up, as well as Easter! Spring is probably my favorite season because there are so many exciting things going on, and everything feels so new and fresh. Hopefully this spring will be a good one!
What is your favorite thing about spring?
Thank you so much for reading, and have a wonderful day! 🙂
Alright, those are the options I thought of for comfy chic finals outfits! You can mix and match any of these to create your own unique variation, and they would all be so cute! If you guys try out any of these outfits, make sure to show me on Twitter (@stnkrbug) and Instagram (@stnkrbug)! Good luck to those of you who have finals – we can do this!
Thank you so much for reading, and have a wonderful day! 🙂
Even though I’m not going on a vacation over Spring Break, I’m still super excited! It’ll be nice just to stay at home and relax for a week and a half, and see my friends from high school. And I have Vidcon and LA to look forward to this summer! I seriously cannot wait.
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Which ones are your favorites?
Thank you so much for reading, and have a wonderful day! 🙂
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