Happy spring! Although the first official day of spring was a week or so ago, I am still super excited about it. This winter in Seattle has been especially dreary and cold, so I’m definitely looking forward to some warmer weather.
Going along with this dreary weather, I have felt so uninspired this year in terms of creativity. I’ve been getting caught up in school (which of course isn’t a bad thing), and I’ve let my creative side get a little lazy. It’s easy to put excuses before giving yourself a break to be creative, and to push things like writing or art to the side because they seem less important to things like homework and tests, which in a sense they are. I am first and foremost a college student, so I of course need to make my grades a priority, but I also need to relax every now and then and spend an evening doing something I love, like watercolor.
When I was writing my last post, How to Succeed in College: Mental Health, it became clear that I needed a break from stressing out so much. I was writing down tips that I myself needed to listen to and apply to my life, especially because I’ve felt like I have hit a creative STOP SIGN lately. Anxiety and panic attacks seem to relish the times of stress and lack of creativeness in my life, so I needed to take a break.
Spring cleaning has always been something I’ve loved. While growing up, my mom would enlist my brother, dad, and me to help her clean the entire house – we’re talking scrubbing the walls, floors, and everything in between. It would be a laborious couple of days, but afterwards everything felt nice and clean, and that a fresh start was much easier to be had. Because I experienced that every year while growing up, I realized that was exactly what I needed this spring.
It was spring break last week for my college, so I took the time at home to do a whole lot of nothing, besides workout, play with my family’s dogs and cats, and our new puppy.
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Seriously, look how cute he is!! |
I needed to take the week to give myself a mental break from stressing out about school, tests, law schools, finding a summer internship, and taking the LSATs in the fall. Real life can be hard, and I know that it’s just going to get busier and more stressful as I get older. When you’re really stressed out it’s easy to only think about how hard life is and will get, and forget that it’s also going to get more exciting, and more opportunities are going to present themselves to you after a lot of hard work.
As you all know, this past weekend was my birthday weekend, and I got to spend it at one of my favorite beaches here in the Pacific Northwest with my best friends and family! I had such a great time, and I just wanted to share some photos with you all because I was able to get some really good ones.
There are so many spring trends this year that I am loving! A couple of them were present last year, but this year are a lot more popular. Today I wanted to talk about how to incorporate these beautiful trends into your own wardrobe, and how to wear them in an everyday setting!
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From Getty Images. |
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Pacsun |
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Image from wwd.com |
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Jacket from Pacsun |
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Photo from fashionista.com |
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Skirt from Pacsun |
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This was part of the ceiling of one of the rooms! |
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This is the room where we did yoga! |
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As you can see, the museum is right under the Space Needle. |
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It ended up being really sunny, so the light looked gorgeous through the glass! |
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All of these pieces are so intricate and unique. |
What did you do this past weekend?
Thank you so much for reading and have a wonderful day! 🙂
What You Will Need:
-Mason Jars
-Acrylic Craft Paint
-Paint Brush
-Rubbing Alcohol
-Cotton Rounds
-Sand Paper (not pictured)
1. Start off by cleaning the Mason Jars with Rubbing alcohol to make sure all of the oils are off of the glass and the paint will stick.
2. Begin painting the Mason Jars with a thin first coat. Let the first coat dry completely before you put on a second!!
3. Paint on a second coat once the first is completely dry.
4. If using a lighter color, paint on a third coat once the second coat is completely dry. I had to do this with the pink since it was so pale.
5. Let all of the coats dry over night. This is very important!
6. Once they have all dried completely over night, you can start to sand them to create a distressed look. I had a 120 grit sandpaper, which I found to work great! Just go around and sand wherever you want the paint to look old and distressed, and make sure to especially sand the words so they stand out.
The finished products!
I used them as vases when my friend got me flowers! |
What You Will Need:
-Cheap plastic cup
-Milk bottles (I got mine from Michael’s)
-Elmer’s glue
-Dawn Dish Soap (any dish soap will work just fine)
-Blue and green food coloring
-Paint brush
1. Add 2 tablespoons of Elmer’s glue to the cup, and 1 tablespoon of water (it’s a 2:1 ratio if you want to change up the amount). Mix until water is incorporated.
2. Add 3 drops of blue food coloring and 1 drop of green, as well as 1 drop of Dawn dish soap. Mix until the “paint” is a nice sea-foam green color.
3. Begin painting one, thin layer onto each milk bottle.
4. Once each milk bottle has a thin layer, you are done! Just let them dry overnight and they will look like the picture below! Don’t worry if they look streaky while drying, they will dry to be a nice opaque color! I was skeptical while I was watching mine dry but they turned out just fine.
The finished bottles! I put some fake peonies in them because I thought it looked so adorable. |
What You Will Need:
-Small grapevine wreath
-Little fake flowers on a “vine”
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My outfit that I wore! |
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Good company meant lots of smiles! |
Look at how beautiful my risotto was. It tasted as good as it looked! |
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They even put a candle on my creme brûlée! |
I would just like to point out the man in the top left corner… |
And again…. |
The exact moment my candle went out before I blew it out! |
On my actual birthday, one of my best friends and my floor mates in my dorm threw me a little surprise birthday party! I was so surprised, and super happy! Unfortunately, I didn’t get to take any pictures but it was caught on camera! If I end up putting it into a vlog I will definitely post it here. My parents also surprised me (and brought my dogs!) so that was so great as well.
Thank you as well to all of you who have wished me a happy birthday! I had a wonderful day overall, and I also got the CANON T5I!!!!! I cannot contain my excitement, so expect lots of pictures soon.
Also, if you would like to see it, I filmed a ‘Get Ready With Me’ for my birthday!
Thanks for reading, and have a wonderful day! 🙂
Which ones are your favorites?
Thank you so much for reading, and have a wonderful day! 🙂
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